The experience of using Forte Love

Leticia from the city of Naples has decided to share his story with millions of women. The young girl has told how she has managed to solve the problems of the sex life and low libido with the help of the pathogen Forte Love.

With my husband we had a great relationship, we loved each other and still love each other, we pay attention to our family. But at a certain point in life, we had a serious problem, which could put an end to our relationship.

As I have lost the desire

Over time, after the wedding, we began to deteriorate the quality of sex. I have very rarely occur in the desire and libido to her husband. How many discussed this topic, what the experiences are not organised and have not used the traditional medicine and no results was not. I very often read the article on this subject on the internet and I tried to apply the advice that is given. We have tried to change the situation, played role-playing games, had a drink of alcohol before intimate proximity, organized mutually massage sessions focus on the intimate parts of the essential oils, but all in vain.

A girlfriend, with whom I shared intimate problem, says that, probably, my husband and I have different temperaments. But in fact, before the wedding, we have everything was perfect in her bed, and what happened to my libido after, I did not understand. My mother told me that women "revealed" in a plan at a later date, and probably my time has not yet come. But in fact, the sex drive was very high, since the first of my serious relationships.

Vain attempts to bring back the passion in bed

The husband first tried then to surprise, and to organize long foreplay, make a romantic dinner, but with time, it became the offense, and to doubt my love, and, later, advanced connected reproaches and permanent dissatisfaction. I have it and it is become a doubt that I have. Permanent a quarrel on the ground lacking, even more sex killed the desire to solve the problem. At a certain point, it seemed to me that we both resign ourselves to this situation and have begun to live peacefully together, like brother and sister. Not blame, and the quarrels were no more. I began to feel uninteresting, unattractive, unwanted, and even as if old, and it is up to 25 years! It happened of the week, when my husband and me even on the cheek no kiss ever.

I knew that sooner or later, this will lead to a divorce or a change on his part. Neither the one nor the other, I didn't want to, so I decided to any way to eliminate the cold between us. I asked the gynecologist: the inspection, an ULTRASOUND, and analyses, no anomaly is not shown. Then the doctor advised me, for me-verified endocrinologist, because you are having suspicions about hormonal disorders. But the sex hormones have also been in the standard. Then I realized that to solve my problems can only a sex therapist, but now I understand that with him, and was worth a start.

After you spent with me several sessions, the physician concludes that on the whole there are no global problems, resentment, fear or suppressed anger. Everything is a question which, in the past, I need to keep his men, try to be for them, the best, and after a stamp in the passport, I just calmed down, and the feeling that I need to constantly catch up with the man, the past, and it is its I confused with the libido. It turned out, my natural needs are not so great. But the difference of temperaments husband, of course, should not suffer, and for the psycho-emotional state of regular sex is very helpful. Yes, and as prevention of diseases of the system fminin sex is necessary. But the sex through do not want these positive effects do not give, and my husband never would agree on such experiences.

How I managed to save the relationship with her husband through the powder Forte Love

At the next session the doctor advised me to buy female agent Forte Love and to take, if any. The composition is natural, so it is a shame not to make the same, provided that there will come pregnancy. I weakly represented itself as a kind of powder to help me wish her husband and usually feel the desire for sex. But my doubts were dispelled after the first application. The husband was in shock as I was not even before the marriage. In general, after two hours of sex and multiple orgasms with the two parties, all were very satisfied and happy (late husband even started looking for an excuse to take a break, because his strength is already almost exhausted).

The experience of using the Strong Love

Now, I have even without powder Forte Love wants sex more often, so it's not used as often as before. Apparently resolved the bloodstream and regular orgasms do the trick. Therefore, I advise all girls and women who have problems in marital life do not occur only on the background of a lack of sex, controlling pathogen Forte Love – this tool not only allows you to save the marriage, but to feel confident and desired, which is very important for every girl.